Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Emmett Swims and Cries

Here are a couple of pictures of Emmett's last swim lesson (at the beginning of March.) Emmett was a fantastic trouper, one of the youngest babies in his class, yet one of the most tolerant going underwater and floating on his back. Could it be because of his easygoing personality and Daddy pouring water on his head everyday at bathtime? We think so, and will always remember how sweet it was to have him rest his head on our shoulder, belly up, kicking his feet, and singing to him "I've been working on the railroad" which seems to be his favorite song.

So many people have also mentioned that Emmett always seems happy. This is definitely one of his dominant qualities, but he is human and very much a baby. As he gets older, he becomes more vocal about his feelings - here's a picture of the cute little crumpled, complaining face that visits us each day :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Some New Pics

Hello and happy ALMOST spring! We're posting some pictures from LAST weekend which was pretty much made in heaven. A fabulous date to celebrate Andrew's 29th birthday, Emmett's swim lesson, lots of time outdoors in the beautiful weather, time with wonderful friends, and, on a Sunday afternoon walk, we saw a Bald Eagle in its nest right on the James River. So, with a weekend full of rain and new teeth coming in ahead of us, it's important to remember the good!! :)
Here is the newly renovated lake in Forest Hill park, and Andrew and I enjoying the day.

Emmett and Daddy on the playground, down the block from our house:

Playing with friends at dinner club: Emmett and Juddy aspire to be able to share as well as Alec and Lucy, who are older, and very sophisticated.

Andrew Throws a Curve

Just an update on Andrew's sports writing career! As you know, he spent the last football season writing for Giants Gab, the definitive New York Giants blog. A big fan and close follower of the team, this was a fun way to participate in their season.

The new development is that the owner of Sports Gab Network really liked Andrew's contributions, and offered him a position as head editor for REDSKINS GAB - the bitter enemy of Andrew's beloved Giants. Why did he agree to it? Well, Andrew isn't the type of person to pass up any type of challenge, and this will allow him to become a more practiced writer and follow a team from a more objective position. Plus, he'll get paid a little for this and be able to approve new contributors to the blog. He still plans to write on Giants Gab, but please check him out on the new site as well! Go... Skins?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Moving all Around

Look at the big man! This was taken last week, on the day he started crawling up on all fours. He's gotten even better at it over the weekend! He is so much fun to watch, discovering new ways to move, explore, and he's so proud of himself when he accomplishes something. Love, love, LOVE him!!!

Watching the Snow, and Peekaboo!

Video taken in early February, during one of the big snowstorms.